Last weekend over 30 teams came together in Chula Vista for the 2019 USA Touch Nationals. With another successful year under their belt, USA Touch Rugby is optimistic to see the game continue to attract new participation and excitement across America.
“We host the USA Touch Nationals every year. This was our 8th year hosting and second year hosting at Chula Vista, CA specifically. There are four divisions of competition: Men’s, Women’s, mixed, and High School,” said OJ Hawea, President of USA Touch Rugby.
Over thirty teams across the United States attended this year’s USA Touch Nationals with one additional team coming from Canada. Of those, there was notable growth within the high school division not only in the number of participating teams but also in the quality of play.
“One of the most exciting things on the weekend was the presence of youth and high school age players and referees. There were referees as young as 14 out there, and the high school bracket was quality touch,” Kurt Weaver, USA Rugby COO added.
Hawea further explained how he believes this area will continue to show growth, “There is a big growth opportunity for youth and women. We think that is where our most growth will come over the next few years. We had four high school teams participate this year. However, we believe there could be four high school teams participating in the host city alone.”
While only four teams walked away with the title of national champions, participants also walked away with a positive experience.
“I don’t think we’ve had a tournament in the last few years where people haven’t come away feeling excited about the weekend,” Hawea noted.
“It’s a wonderful festival for Touch in the USA. It was three days of great competition. Adding to this, all the teams were staying on the EATC campus, so the dining hall was full of touch players meeting, chatting, and celebrating the game,” Weaver added.
Hawea added that he only wishes for more tournaments happening across the country.
“The potential of this game to be played in every city in the USA is obvious when you see the ease of set up, rules that can be understood quickly, and the absolute joy on the faces of the players. Whether it is collegiate intramurals, adult young professionals leagues, or old boy and girl leagues, this game has the reach to allow truly anyone to play rugby,” Weaver further explained.
“It is an easy game for any skill, fitness level in any demographic. My recommendation for anyone is to get out there and give it a go – I am confident you will love it,” Hawea stated.
“Outside of the tournament champions, a massive congratulations and thanks has to go to the USA Touch administration to put on such a large and successful event. They came off a World Cup that was immense in scope and travel and pulled off a great weekend of Touch,” said Weaver.
“With players, coaches, referees, and fans from around the country and the world, the feeling of camaraderie was a welcoming feature of this event. I can’t wait to go next year, hopefully as a player myself,” he concluded.
To learn more about USA Touch Rugby and the 2019 USA Touch Nationals Click HERE or visit the USA Touch Rugby Facebook Page.