USA Rugby Launches New Referee Development Structures and Referee Panel for 2022 Women’s Premier League Season

Tue, Apr 12, 2022, 2:37 PM
by Calder Cahill.
Travis Prior
Travis Prior

USA Rugby High Performance Referee Group formed to target greater Major League Rugby and World Rugby representation of USA Rugby Referees.

  • Referee team for 2022 Women’s Premier League Season announced
  • Four Regional Development Groups provide education to the nation’s top 100 referees
  • National Development Group provides Strength & Conditioning and personalized coaching to the top 40 referees.

USA Rugby today announced major advances in the way referee development is structured across the country, and the referees selected to various programs of development. In 2021, the USA Rugby Referees & Law Committee (RLC) established two working groups designed to address issues of referee education and development, and improve the pathway for referees to higher levels of the game. These teams are named the Development Working Group and Pathways Working Group. These working groups have worked closely with Local Referee Organizations (LRO) and their representatives, to ensure any initiatives meet the needs of referees in the United States.

The Development Working Group, chaired by New York-based referee coach Rosalind Anderson, is tasked with providing continuing education to match officials from the time they finish a Level 1 course onwards. As well as providing content for local-level referees, the Group’s remit includes promoting a regional structure with four Regional Development Groups to facilitate the LRO-driven identification and development of higher-level aspiring referees. In total, this will provide higher level educational content to the nation’s top 100 referees.

The Pathways Working Group, chaired by RLC Chair Olivia Rogers, is tasked with providing transparency, communication, and consistency in the management of referees across National Performance Leagues and in the pathway from Regional Development Groups to higher levels. This involves the selection of the National Development Group, a core group of approximately 40 referees of national interest who will receive strength and conditioning support, along with personalized coaching. A team of 20 referee coaches has also been selected to work one-on-one with these referees to provide long-term coaching support.

USA Rugby will also support a targeted group of referees to be part of the new High Performance Referee Group, which will be managed by leading Major League Rugby (MLR) referee Scott Green. Selected by the Pathways Working Group in consultation with MLR Referee Manager Jonathan Kaplan, the aim of this group is to increase the representation of domestic USA referees in the MLR and beyond to World Rugby levels by providing access to USA Rugby high performance resources. These referees will be involved in “XV Series” matches, the group partnering with the new league to provide targeted access to better matches.

“The creation of all these programs has been the result of ongoing engagement with Local Referee Organizations across the country, and the work of many volunteers on the working groups who have helped design and create a pathway that works for the unique structures in the United States. I’d like to thank Olivia and Rosalind in particular for their leadership, and congratulate the referees involved in these various development groups.” said USA Rugby’s Referee Manager and Director of Training and Education, Jamie McGregor.

In addition, USA Rugby announced today the panel of referees for the 2022 Women’s Premier League competition, which began over the weekend. This team of nine referees and six reviewers will be led by WPL Referee Manager, Amanda Cox. The team will have weekly review sessions which are open to the WPL coaches, in order to promote game understanding across all parties.

“I am excited to announce an outstanding team of referees with a great mix of youth, potential and experience.” Said Cox, “All have earned their place on the team with excellent performances at other levels of the game. We are looking forward to providing the WPL with the highest level of officiating possible.”

The membership of the various groups will be reviewed before each Fall and Spring season.

McGregor added, “Every LRO has access to a regional representative on both the Development and Pathways Working Group, so that we can maximize communication and transparency at all levels. Over time, I am confident USA Rugby will reap the benefit of investing heavily in our match officials – better officials, better game.”

Referees Reviewers
Haley Aguiar Rosalind Anderson
Shanda Assmus (Canada) Lee Bryant
Dan Frankenfeld Bob Hausler
Bryan Hall Olivia Rogers
Emily Hsieh Peter Watson
Jenny Lui Wendy Young
Chris O’Malley
Marty Steffens
Andrew Stockton.

Manager: Amanda Cox

Marquise Goodwin
Cisco Lopez
Amelia Luciano
Gavin McCandless
Will Nelson
Kat Roche
De Wet Roos
Lex Weiner

Manager: Scott Green.

West South Midwest East
Haley Aguiar David Edwards Enrique Alvarez Elvy Asonye
Joe Burpoe Scott Green Ben Dickenson Tyler Chicarella
Steven Feneroli Bryan Hall Dan Frankenfeld Aaron Davis
Jack Gohl Alex Hedquist Timothy Levitsky Jarrod Ford
Marquise Goodwin Cisco Lopez Michelle O’Brien Emily Hsieh
Steve Gore Henrique Platais Ian Seaton Amelia Luciano
Kahlil Harrison Kat Roche Marc Voorhees Jenny Lui
Tim Lew Derek Summers Gavin McCandless
Pearce Mara Joey Swatzell Gray Montrose
Chris O’Malley Will Nelson
Austin Reed Mike O’Brien
Andrew Stockton Luke Rogan
Craig Sakowski
Lex Weiner
Rosalind Anderson
Len Borcky
Lee Bryant
Scott Florance
Stephen Forrest
Greg Gilliam
Scott Green
Terry Haas
Tigg Handel
Bob Hausler
Lee Johnston
Mike Kelly
Marc Nelson
Tim O’Gara
Olivia Rogers
Haylee Slaughter
DeLyn WiRepa
Wendy Young
Brian Zapp
Other Members of Regional Development Group (RDG):
NDG referees are also included in each RDG
West South Midwest East
Alexis Alfaro Allen Alongi Alex Beckett Tim Anderson
Justin Canova Caleb Braley Chris Harrington Ryan Caldwell
Brandon Castro Joe Bown Jamal Jones Andrew Dunn
Jacob Gonzales Peter Chamberlain Matt Rico Vince Girolami
Kage Green Minchul Cho Rachael McGrail Alana Gregory
Brett Johnson Tom Ciampa Ryan Moran Camille Juzwik
Kyle Kenny Justin Hale Marlena Kauer
Mike Lawrenson Cole Jones Brian Kelly
Frank Pulumbo Antares Lance Matthew Lake
Kirk Swanner Drew Low Liz Malazita
Kye Martinovic Matt Reilly
Blair McClure Marty Steffens
Renee McLane Abby Tobias
Lindsey Oliver
De Wet Roos
Missy Tiesinger
Kyle van Deventer
