Olympic Men's 7s
France 7s vs USA 7s

France 7s
USA 7s
  • Time Wed, Jul 24, 2024, 2:30 PM
  • Location Stade de France
  • Referee Adam Leal
France 7s
France 7s
USA 7s
USA 7s
  • Rebbadj7'
  • Sepho3'
  • Tupuola12'
  • Lacamp6'
  • Pascal8'
  • Tomasin6'
France 7s
France 7s
USA 7s
USA 7s
7Defenders Beaten9
4Clean Breaks2
6Turnovers Conceded7
9Missed Tackles7
1Turnovers Won2
1Kicks in Play4
N/APenalty GoalsN/A
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down0
1Kick From Hand Metres57
1In Touch4
0Opponent Collection2
2Possession Lost6
0Possession Retained0
9Rucks Won7
2Rucks Lost2
81%Rucks Success Rate77%
0Mauls Won0
Set Plays
1Lineouts Won4
0Lineouts Lost0
100%Lineouts Success Rate100%
3Scrums Won2
0Scrums Lost0
100%Scrums Success Rate100%
78%First Half22%
39%Second Half61%
39%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins61%
3Penalties Conceded2
0Red Cards0
0Yellow Cards0
0Penalty Conceded Own Half1
France 7s
France 7s
USA 7s
USA 7s
Varian Pasquet
1Varian Pasquet
Aaron Cummings
1Aaron Cummings
Andy Timo
2Andy Timo
Maka Unufe
2Maka Unufe
Rayan Rebbadj
3Rayan Rebbadj
Orrin Bizer
3Orrin Bizer
Theo Forner
4Theo Forner
Matai Leuta
4Matai Leuta
Stephen Parez
5Stephen Parez
Marcus Tupuola
5Marcus Tupuola
Paulin Riva
6Paulin Riva (C)
Kevon Williams
6Kevon Williams (C)
Jefferson Joseph
7Jefferson Joseph
Naima Fuala'au
7Naima Fuala'au
Antoine Zeghdar
8Antoine Zeghdar
Malacchi Esdale
8Malacchi Esdale
Aaron Grandidier
9Aaron Grandidier
Stephen Tomasin
9Stephen Tomasin
Jean Pascal Barraque
10Jean Pascal Barraque
Madison Hughes
10Madison Hughes
Antoine Dupont
11Antoine Dupont
Perry Baker
11Perry Baker
Jordan Sepho
12Jordan Sepho
Lucas Lacamp
12Lucas Lacamp
Jerome Daret
Mike Friday
15End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
13Substitution onFrance 7s sub Varian Pasquet comes onto the field.
13Substitution offJefferson Joseph departs for France 7s.
13Substitution onFrance 7s sub Rayan Rebbadj comes onto the field.
13Substitution offTheo Forner departs for France 7s.
13Conversion - Missed RightMadison Hughes has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
12Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by USA 7s results in a try for Marcus Tupuola
12Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Marcus Tupuola took full advantage.
12Try AssistSpellbinding play by Perry Baker is finished off with a try.
11Substitution onUSA 7s sub Marcus Tupuola comes onto the field.
11Substitution offKevon Williams departs for USA 7s.
11Substitution onUSA 7s sub Matai Leuta comes onto the field.
11Substitution offOrrin Bizer departs for USA 7s.
11Substitution onUSA 7s sub Maka Unufe comes onto the field.
11Substitution offAaron Cummings departs for USA 7s.
11Substitution onFrance 7s sub Aaron Grandidier comes onto the field.
11Substitution offAntoine Dupont departs for France 7s.
11Substitution onFrance 7s sub Stephen Parez comes onto the field.
11Substitution offJean Pascal Barraque departs for France 7s.
11Substitution onFrance 7s sub Theo Forner comes onto the field.
11Substitution offRayan Rebbadj departs for France 7s.
11Substitution onFrance 7s sub Andy Timo comes onto the field.
11Substitution offVarian Pasquet departs for France 7s.
9Substitution onVarian Pasquet comes on for France 7s.
9Substitution offJordan Sepho leaves the field.
8Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Paulin Riva took full advantage.
8Substitution onMalacchi Esdale comes on for USA 7s.
8Substitution offLucas Lacamp leaves the field.
8Substitution onMadison Hughes comes on for USA 7s.
8Substitution offNaima Fuala'au leaves the field.
8Conversion - KickedJean Pascal Barraque has kicked a conversion.
7Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by France 7s leads to a try for Rayan Rebbadj
7Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Antoine Zeghdar.
7Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Antoine Zeghdar goes through the gap.
7Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Paulin Riva goes through the gap.
7Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
9End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
6Conversion - KickedStephen Tomasin has kicked a conversion.
6Try - Individual effortA stunning solo try from Lucas Lacamp
6Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Lucas Lacamp goes through the gap.
6Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Stephen Tomasin.
3Conversion - Missed RightJean Pascal Barraque has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
3Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by France 7s leads to a try for Jordan Sepho
3Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Jordan Sepho goes through the gap.
3Try AssistRayan Rebbadj sets up the try.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.