International Player Clearance

International clearance is a World Rugby requirement: a player or team is not eligible to play rugby in another country at any level until they have a valid international clearance from their home governing rugby union. The clearance confirms that the player has no outstanding financial or disciplinary issues with their home union, club, or competitions.

Clubs and players traveling from a foreign country (even exhibition matches) to the United States should expect to be asked for their letters of approval from their home union. It is up to the visiting club or player to obtain the international clearance from their national union.

The requirement applies to all players: male and female, senior and junior, amateur and professional. There are no exceptions. USA Rugby does not have discretion to allow players to play without a clearance. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure they have an international clearance before they play.

How to Obtain an International Player Clearance:
Clearance 1: FROM: United States TO: Another Country

You should apply at least two weeks before you intend to play rugby in another National Union. All USA players must complete the Individual Outbound form and return to USA Rugby:

Clearance 2: FROM: Another Country TO: United States

Steps may differ depending on the home National Union, but generally the process is as follows:

  1. The player must complete, in full, and sign the appropriate international clearance form used by the National Union the player is coming from. Player may need to request the form from their home club.
  2. The player must send this to their overseas club to approve.
  3. The overseas club will forward this on to its National Union, who will approve and sign the clearance and forward it to USA Rugby.
  4. USA Rugby will finalize the clearance and inform the club and player that the player has been cleared.

NOTE: If the correct process was not followed the international clearance may take longer to complete.

Reasons Why a Clearance May Be Withheld:

Outstanding financial obligations under the player's contract with their previous club or National Union, or a current suspension on disciplinary grounds are reasons the clearance may be declined or withheld.

Reasons Why a Clearance May Be Delayed.

Failing to complete the clearance process properly, including not signing the clearance form, or failing to obtain approval from the Provincial Union or National Union.

Submit completed forms to:

ONLY send clearance forms to USA Rugby when all required fields of the form have been completed correctly. If the correct process has not been followed, your clearance will not be processed.